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Assembly Instructions

To learn how to assemble Riley Hopkins equipment, browse through this section of the FAQ.

How do I assemble a Riley Hopkins 150 Press?

Watch the video below to learn how to assemble your new press. You can also reference the following manuals while assembling the press:.

How do I assemble a Riley Hopkins 250 Press?

Watch the video below to help you assemble your new press. You can also reference the following manuals:.

How do I assemble a Riley Hopkins 300 Press?

Watch the video below to help guide you when setting up the press. You can also reference the following manual:.

I got side clamps. How do I add them to my press?

Watch the video below to help you install the side clamps. You can also reference the manual.

How do I assemble a RileyFlash 1616?

Watch the video to learn how to put the flash dryer together. You can also reference the manual when assembling the flash unit.

How do I assemble a RileyFlash 1818?

Follow the video below as you assemble your new flash dryer. You can also reference the manual.

How do I assemble the RileyFlash 1824?

Follow the video below as you assemble your new flash dryer (the 1818 & 1824 have the same assembly instructions). You can also reference the manual.

How do I assemble the Riley Forced Air Flash Dryer?

Please watch the video below to learn how to assemble the flash dryer. You can also reference the manual.

How do I assemble a RileyCure Tabletop Conveyor Dryer?

Watch the video below to assemble your new conveyor dryer. You can also reference the manual.

How do I assemble the RileyCure 245 Conveyor Dryer?

Please reference the manual.

How do I assemble the RileyCure 248 Conveyor Dryer?

Please reference the manual.

How do I assemble and install the RileyCure Forced Air Conveyor Dryer?

Please reference the manual.

How do I assemble a Riley Hopkins cart?

To assemble a cart, please watch the video below. You can also reference the manual. If you also got casters, please review this manual when installing the casters.

I got the laser system. How do I install it onto my press?

You can reference the manual.